Increased hourly capacity with the Infinity Line
When designing the Infinity Line, we were at a crossroads. We wanted a long and thrilling track, but without compromising the capacity of the facility. We had two options: slow down the descent speed, thus reducing the excitement and adrenaline of the experience, or innovate through new technology that could ensure absolute safety without affecting the speed and fun of the participant.
The choice, for us, was clear: we would not accept compromises on the quality of the experience offered. Thus, we worked diligently to develop a unique and revolutionary technology, capable of ensuring that every adventurer could fly at full speed along the path, while always maintaining high safety standards.
Our braking system, inserted after each zip line, is the heart of this innovation, allowing a continuous and efficient flow of participants. Thanks to this insight and dedication, the Infinity Line not only offers a long and dynamic course, but also ensures that every flight is carried out at maximum speed, combining safety and adrenaline in a perfect union. The innovation lies right here: with the Infinity Line, speed and safety coexist, offering a unique and unforgettable experience to every adventurer.

Each section between two Ziplines has a built-in safety mechanism, allowing only one person to cross at a time, ensuring smooth flow and constant protection.