Here are all the steps to turn your dream into reality.

Where can a Zipline be built?
What is the recommended drop between take-off and landing area?
How long can the cable be?
What is the recommended slope?
What is the shape of a Zipline?
How much can the Zipline be tensioned?
Everything depends on the terrain morphology and on the distance in-between take-off and landing area.
A zipline consists of a cable attached at two points. The line forms a downward catenary. It is not a straight line connecting the start to the finish. The ground must keep this space free so that the rope does not collide with it.
For each length there is a minimum and a maximum drop to be feasible.
*Very important*
A very long Zipline requires a much higher slope than a half-length line.
For example, a 500 meters long Zipline has a minimum drop of 30 meters to be feasible. Whereas a 1000 (500×2) meters long Zipline needs a minimum drop of 110 meters. Much more than 60 (30×2) meters!
What happens if the slope is too high?
The cable is inclined to oscillate a lot under the action of the wind. It will be necessary to brake the flight very much to avoid the collision at the end.
It will be necessary to brake the flight very much to avoid the collision at the end. If there is a very steep cable, the descent will be too slow and not so fun.
If the slope is too low, the cable will break under high tension.
A perfect Zipline has a perfect configuration.
If the cable is too tight, the descent becomes uncontrolled and should be braked.
If the cable is too loose, you can stop halfway through.
The start is usually very steep. The landing is almost horizontal.
Thanks to the support of Google Earth or Maps, it’s quick and easy. With this open-source software, you can evaluate the length and drop of the line, and above all guess the terrain morphology.
watch the video tutorial below!
Draw and download your drawing from the platform and send it to our e-mail address or contact us using the contact form.
The ground accuracy in Google Earth or Maps is rarely so accurate, but it is enough to get an idea of what the environment looks like. That is why we are glad to receive also photos of the context.
We provide you with a fairly accurate cost estimate once the general characteristics of the line are defined.
*The cost of the structures is not calculated at this stage
Following the initial evaluation, our experts will visit the chosen Zipline site. This step is essential as we need to collect all the technical data in order to give you an accurate quote for your Zipline.
It’s an investment. It will make your Zipline more efficient and profitable.
The site inspection is necessary for the elaboration of the concept design, a technical and representative document to present your idea to stakeholders and authorities.
It’s an investment. It will make your Zipline more efficient and profitable.
It includes:
- final definition of the coordinates of the anchor points;
- description of the characteristics of the line;
- calculation of the maximum speed;
- estimation of the hourly capacity;
- identification of the necessary cables and braking system;
- dimensions and concept design of the platforms.
A good investment.
The feasibility study also includes a draft business plan, which allows the financial aspects of the project to be considered.
The cost of the initial Feasibility Study will be deducted from the total amount of the main project if you decide to proceed.
Building a Zipline requires authorizations, which vary according to the specific project and location.
Consult your legal advisor to draw up a contract with the relevant landowners (private individuals, municipalities, regions or governments) for flying over and landing on their land. Check with your local authorities for building permits. Consult authorities of the flight sector.
Example Italian authorities:
- A.M. (Aeronautica Militare),
- MARIDIPART (Comando Marittimo Nord Marina Militare),
- C.I.G.A. (Centro Informazioni Geotopografiche Aeronautiche),
- Esercito Italiano (Italian Army),
- ENAV (Ente Nazionale per l’Assistenza al Volo) and ENAC (Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile).
Adrenaline Constructions does not deal with the drafting of the forms required to obtain permits.
*We produce the necessary graphical drawings on collaboration with a local technician only upon request.*
Only when our in-depth analysis and Feasibility Study are completed and all the legal prerequisites have been checked, we draw up a contract for the purchase of your Zipline.
Our philosophy is “turnkey”.
At the end, everything is ready for the first flight.
We take care of the construction, testing of the cables, certification of the installation, supply all the necessary equipment (harnesses, helmets, trolleys, instructor kits, etc.), and organize training for the staff who will manage the installation.
Now begins your business!
We offer constant assistance during all the life-time of your zipline.